Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Blog Assignment # 3

How Can You Provide Meaningful Feedback to Your Peers?
Peer editing is very useful in a classroom. Instead of a teacher having to read a paper multiple time, he or she can get other students to read the paper and help edit or advise. What is Peer Editing? is a video about the three steps to peer editing, which are compliments, suggestions, and corrections. You have to say positive when peer editing because you do not want to offed the person you are helping. Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial was a slideshow that had almost the exact same information as the video, except it had more examples and a trial paragraph. I thought both the video and slideshow were informative. I have always known how to peer edit, but I am not sure if I was given those exact steps before.

Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes is a very cute video that I will use in my future classroom when assigning peer reviews. My favorite portrayals are "Whatever William" and "Jean the Generalizer" because I have been in both situations. After watching this video, I have learned that when peer editing, you must follow the three steps to peer editing, which are compliments, suggestions, and corrections. When being peer edited, you have to be able to accept the criticism and advice given to you. You do not have to change your paper, but you do not need to be offended if they are just trying to help. I am not very good at accepting criticism, even if it is positive. After watching this video, I know I need to work on it and not be a "Defensive Dave."
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  1. I feel the same way about getting some of the other students edit each others papers. Now, I can use all the advice I can get, to help me reach my goal. Feel free to give me advice, I am not a " Defensive Dave. "
